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Keeping Your Drywall Saw Blades Sharp

  • Tuesday, 20 October 2020
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drywall saw blade

Keeping Your Drywall Saw Blades Sharp

Drywall saw blade is one of the most important parts of your drywall machine, but you do not want to have a dull saw blade on it. Here are some simple tips that will help you keep your blade sharp.

The first thing that you should do to keep your blade sharp is to use a good lubricant on your saw blade. This is important because when the saw blade gets dirty it is much harder to clean it up. There are many different lubricants that you can buy, but if you cannot afford to buy them then you can easily make your own. Simply take some rubbing alcohol and some dish soap, mix these two things together until the water and the dish soap mix are lukewarm. After this you should spread it onto your blades with the saw blade and let it sit on there for thirty minutes or so.

After thirty minutes or so you should rinse off your blades and dry the drywall with a cloth. The next thing that you should do to keep your blade sharp is to scrape off the rust build up that is on the inside of your blades. The best way to do this is to get some steel wool and dampen the inside of the blades using a cloth, then you will want to scrape away the rust. After this is done you should use a blade polisher on the blades to polish them up.

If you find that your saw blade is dull or broken then you should go to a local hardware store and buy some drywall saw blades and lubricant. This may cost a lot of money, but it is going to ensure that you will always be able to keep your blades sharp and working properly. Make sure that you buy blades that are made from high quality steel, because you do not want the blade to become rusty because it is made out of aluminum.

If you feel that you do not have any extra money available to purchase the drywall saw blades and lubricant, then you can always make your own. All that you need is some aluminum foil, some tape, and an exacto knife. All you need to do is cut the foil in half and tape it around the inside of the drywall saw blade and then use the exacto knife to cut the foil to the size that you want.

The last thing that you should do to keep your drywall saw blades sharp and working properly is to make sure that you have them oiled regularly. When the blade is oiled it will stay in tip top condition and be easier to work with, and less likely to break.

Tags:keyhole saw bit | dovetail saw makers

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